Hs2 Blackwell Group Report February 2018
The meeting at Newton on January 20th was very well attended ..again standing room only. We are grateful to all those who attended and showed that the community is behind our campaign. Also we say thank you to the Deputy Leader of Derbyshire County Council and the Leader of Bolsover District Council , who listened and promised to convey our concerns to every meeting they attend with HS2 Ltd; And of course a big “Thank You” to our MP Dennis Skinner, whose rousing speech demonstrated his continuing support in opposing the iniquity of the HS2 routes through Blackwell.
The group made a presentation to bring to the meeting information extracted from HS2 Ltd though Freedom of Information requests, and some of these are summarised here:
Erewash Midland Line from Toton to Sheffield:
In the Consultation process, the Parish, District and County Councils proposed to HS2 Ltd that Sheffield be served by a link from the new HS2 station at Toton along an upgraded existing Erewash line rather than the Spur line through Hilcote, Old Blackwell , Newton and Doe Hill Park. This proposal was to be discussed as an option at an HS2 morning meeting on May 4th 2017. However the meeting did not reach this item on the agenda by lunchtime, and so the presentation slides covering it were emailed to the delegates with a request that they email back a response within 24 hours. From the emails out and back it is obvious that the item did not get the examination it deserved. Furthermore the presentation slides included misleading references:
· it claimed that the Spur line would have a “direct crossing of Doe Hill Opencast” rather than Doe Hill Country Park:
· it referred to “Doe Hill House Colliery??”:
· it stated that in the consultation “150 respondents expressed opposition to proposed spur”. Because we knew we had sent from Blackwell close to 1000 responses we challenged the figure of 150, and were told that only those responses that actually included the words ‘the spur’ were included in the count, although there was no question mentioning “the spur” in the consultation question.
We have made more Freedom of Information requests concerning this May 4th meeting, and have twice been denied. We now await an answer from the independent office of The Information Commissioner.
Mott MacDonald Report
Rotherham and Doncaster Councils commissioned a report to compare the economic benefits of a full service HS2station at Meadowhall with the current M18 Eastern Route/ Sheffield Spur to Sheffield Midland station. Factoring in all the additional costs that have not been accounted for in the current plans, Mott Macdonald report the following:
· the M18 route will cost more than Meadowhall to build
· will cost more to operate
· impacts far more people
· will cost the Government far more in terms of property compensation (not included in any costs so far)
· and, according to Mott Macdonald, will generate far less in terms of economic benefits for the Sheffield City Region.
The Reality of the HS2 Experience
Here our presentation was based on talking to residents who are being encouraged to sell their homes now to HS2 Ltd or face eventual compulsory purchase.
HS2 Ltd stated:
‘HS2 has a responsibility to establish a price that is fair for the homeowners and the taxpayer accurately reflecting the market value’
But the reality is :
· No independent valuations are being accepted and HS2 valuations are coming in at up to £20,000 below average of pre-blight valuations, yet compensation for these homes is HS2’s valuation plus only 10%
· Homeowners are experiencing 10 months or more to complete sale to HS2 Ltd from initial application
· Agents/surveying companies approved and recommended by HS2 Ltd to help steer homeowners through the process are over promising and under delivering
· There is a slow response to correspondence and owners are ‘Frozen’ in their homes whilst waiting for HS2, who lay the blame on the homeowners themselves.
· None of the homeowners in the blighted ‘Safeguarded Zone’ have a choice; they have to submit to an enforced sale in a ‘closed market
· Blackwell Parish and Morton combined have the highest number of homes directly affected by HS2b and the spur and yet there is no special allowance to be made for our communities.
What do we want? The people of Blackwell have been ignored!
We want the Government to live up to their promises:
Mr Grayling Secretary of State for Transport: 'My Department and HS2 Ltd will continue to work closely with those affected communities and their local authorities and I expect people to be treated with fairness, compassion and respect.’
Paul Maynard, Undersecretary of State for Transport: “At every point of this process I am demanding of HS2 Ltd that they treat those who are affected by the disruption caused by the construction and operation of the line with respect and integrity. It is something we must get right.”
· We want a Strategic Vision from our Councils – There must be No Losers at the hands of HS2 in Derbyshire
· We want a Tunnel through the entire spur which a Transparent Cost / Benefit analysis will support.
· We want a re-appraisal of Compensation for the whole Parish.
· We want BDC and DCC to form a coalition with HS2 Blackwell group to hold HS2 to account.
· We want our members at meetings with HS2, BDC and DCC.
Unprecedented circumstances in Blackwell Parish requires unprecedented steps to find a solution.
We want and deserve Fairness, Compassion, Respect and Integrity for Blackwell Parish. Is that too much to ask? There must be No Losers at the Hands of HS2!
What happens next? The Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA)
HS2 Ltd are now undertaking this assessment of the impact of the planned route . It encompasses all impacts on the communities, in preparation for the Hybrid Bill submission to Parliament in Autumn 2019, so we all need to watch where the surveys take place, whether they are thorough or box -ticking exercises, and to question every report they make. Experience has taught us to seek out the truth.
Quoting from HS2 Ltd publications, you can see what is supposedly being considered as part of this EIA :
· The way the (HS2 Route) scheme would be constructed will be considered within the scope of the EIA
· An assessment of impacts on the road networks (especially during construction) will be addressed in the EIA.
· A more detailed noise assessment will take place as part of the EIA.
· The potential impacts ……Some of these impacts could change as mitigation is introduced as a result of the EIA.
· Associated works, such as road re-alignments and utilities diversions… All of these additional works will be assessed by the EIA.
· Access along all public rights of way…... A detailed appraisal of all access crossings will be undertaken as part of the EIA.
That is why we all need to be involved in the EIA!
The group continues to ask questions at Parish, District and County Council Meetings, in order to ensure that the councillors know every action of HS2 is being monitored by us and reported back to them. We learnt this week at Matlock that Derbyshire County Council have been asked by HS2 Ltd to sign a Confidentiality Agreement, and they intend to do so. We will find out the scope of such an agreement and what exactly HS2 Ltd do not want you to know.
The HS2 routes through Blackwell will not begin to be constructed until 2022, but be under no illusion, your opposition to it needs to be vocal now and throughout the months and years before 2022. Your neighbours are suffering stress and unfair treatment now and the whole community will continue to be mistreated unless we all continue to fight for: “ No Losers at the Hands of HS2!”
The group thanks you in advance for your continuing support. And if you would like to be and have time and enthusiasm to be more involved with the group, please contact us….your input will be welcomed. And if any residents reading this update have had contact from HS2 or any of their agents/agencies and feel that they can share their experience and pass on any information that could help others please contact HS2 Blackwell Group at hs2blackwellgroup@outlook.com or through Facebook hs2BlackwellGroup@blackwellparish.