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Sunday, 22 January 2017

A Bit of Fun ! It's Pantomime Season after all!

HiS2ing Serpents in the land of Beauty and the Beast

A Pantomime in ye Parish ofBlackwelle ,  
In the heart of Old Englande was a land of beauty…a Beauty  lost for many decades through Coal Masters who brought to the green fields of Blackwelle the rattling railways and mineral mines, the black tips and  grey slime of coal catching. And the lands of Blackwell were dark and  desolate when the coal was gone.

But those drawn by the coal from the Oppressing Poverty of Failing Harvests and Near Serfdom, grew to love and nourish the Beauty, and  eventually the elders of the Parish through hard work over many years, brought about a Greening of the waste tips, and a return of the railway tracks to the Pleasure of the Population and once more it could be said , as 250 years earlier a famous parishioner  Jedediah Strutt had written of our Parish:

“..the London Air is not half so sweet, nor it’s pleasures half so lasting

 and sincere. Here innocence and health more frequently reside; here 

the beauties of nature are ever presenting themselves, both to our senses

 and imaginations; here you may view the rising and the setting sun, 

which many in London are strangers to; here it is that you may have the

 morning and the evening song of many a Warbling Lark and Linnet, 

and as Milton expresses it, The shrill mattin song of birds on every 


The Beast
And this land of Beauty had it’s own Beast to protect it, and the Beast travelled often to the poor London Air to press the Parliament to listen to the peoples of Blackwelle. But he was not popular with the Queen’s Ministers, for he could not be silenced, and was frequently cast out of the Parliament Chambers.

The Evil Gray Ling
And in the dirty overpopulated capital city, envy of this  Blackwelle Beauty and it’s Beast grew, and  ere too long the Queen’s Minister , by the name of the Evil Gray Ling, determined to punish them, and so Gray Ling made plans to send  Two HiS2ing Serpents North through the Heartland of this Blackwell Beauty to Wreak their Havoc.

And from the North , help was offered to Gray Ling by the Twisted  Burghers of  Steel City, led by one July Dawn, who wished to spread their City’s Darkness southward, for they feared for loss of sovereignty over their neighbouring enemies of Rother Fields and  The Valleys of The Don.

 July Dawn welcomed the Fork-Tongued Serpents to the centre of their City of Steel, not satisfied that  their Meadow Halls could supply Sufficient Inconvenience and Disruption to The Derbyshire Folk.

So What is to become of the Beauty and it’s Beast?

Where is Help to come from ?

Will The Champion of Rother and The Millie Bands of  The Don take up arms alongside the Beast, against July Dawn and her  Evil Progeny?

Will Gray Ling’s fellow Minister Ham and Eggs declare that the Queen’s Coffers are Empty and there is nothing with which to feed the HiS2ing Serpents?

Will Gray Ling’s leader  ,Trees May PromSinister ,realise that Gray Ling   and Steel City are “Off the Rails” and  “ Shunt them Sideways” into the Abyss?

Meanwhile the Pantomime Continues……………..

The Serpent is Here already……O Yea it is!....

And Watch Out…It’s Behind You!

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